I can't have Google Ad Sense in my blog. They say it's too vulgar. What the fuck?!
I like my new layout. Created in Photoshop. Clean design, messy codes. Apparently I can't seem to center my designs. How do you center div tags? Help me. It appears right in Dreamweaver but not on my browser.
I need to quit that bad habit of mine. It's bad for health and worse on my pocket. I've already quit the "other" bad habit. It's been tough, but I've survived close to 3 months now. Ahh, that craving for some is driving me nuts.
*Pat on the back* =)
I hate my scanner. I scanned in my drawings to post here and my deviantART account but they appear so faint. Can't find my camera. I'm sooo annoyed.
I've been so addicted to Amy Winehouse, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Cliff Richard and The Beatles recently.
It's so boring these day. I hate watching TV(last time I watched was probably more than a year ago), my notebook adapter is screwed so I have to rely on my Sister's notebook adapter and she's using it most of the time which limits my comp usage. Arghh. That was one long sentence. I feel so random. My entry is so badly structured. Bad flow.
Check out this video. I find it retardedly hilarious. Love it. Not sure if you find it funny though, my friend didn't. Do go through the other videos posted under the same user(Nigahiga).
http://youtube.com/watch?v=zR9Xpms5y3EI've picked up reading. More reading and sketching, less going out these days. I've read more books the past 2 months than I have my entire life before that.
My fingers are numb.
That's a random update on me, hope to blog more soon.